Target Car

Target Car

Sunday 16 October 2016

Side Pipes

Had a visit from my mate Bill Holden and his twin brother Jim which was timely as I needed some help sorting out the side pipe outlets. I'd previously cut the holes in the lower wings by inserting some short lengths of plastic waste pipe in the manifold pipes and using this as a guide to line up the cuts.

My original plan was to fit the stainless escutheon plates I bought from AK, however when offering these up to the body, there was no way these were going to fit neatly due to the complex curves. So I abandoned that idea and concentrated on getting a neat finish to the outlets. This required marking up and several fits/removal of the pipes to arrive at a good shape. I've allowed a good 10mm gap all round which seems to be the norm talking to other builders.

I reckon we had each pipe on/off 4 times which is pretty hard work so thanks to the lads for their help.

The Chuckle Brothers in action!

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