Target Car

Target Car

Saturday, 11 November 2017


Fitting the dials, switches and lamps took a surprising amount of time but the good news was I could do this in the dining room rather than in a cold garage!
Some of the holes in the fibreglass came up too small to tuck the leather through with the switches but this was fixed by carefully opening up the holes with the Dremmel. Its not too scary to do as the padding separates the leather from the fibreglass.

Here's my first attempt at wiring everything up. Not as neat as some I've seen and even though its going to be hidden its on my list for rework.


It’s back, and a great job done by Option 1 Sportscars.
We are very pleased with choice of colour, Aston Martin Diavolo Red which has some depth to it and works well with the curves. This is a change from our original thinking of a candy colour but we were persuaded to avoid the three stage complex colours as you could be looking at a total respray if a repair needed. Based on the result this looks like good advice.